

Research and development

Do you have a passion for innovation and chemistry? Join our chemists, specialists and scientists dedicated to research, and collaborate with universities, customers and vendors in different projects. 或者成为实验室工程师团队的一员,主要协助研究并在不同的重点领域进行实验室测试, 主要基于我们全球工厂的氧化氧和多元醇化学. T在这里 are great opportunities in many disciplines, including analytical chemistry, 应用程序开发以及流程和十大正规网堵平台开发&D. Our development activities are often on a global level, 你可以在这些活动中担任项目经理或专家.


在技术领域,工艺工程师有很多机会, 以开发与投资项目为主, often on a global level. 我们的过程工程师也可以成为项目经理或专家. If you want to work with optimization of process flows, 为此有一个由过程控制工程师组成的专门小组.


在生产中, 你有不断寻找更好的挑战机会, smarter ways of working. Our process engineers primarily work with troubleshooting, eliminating bottlenecks, making continuous improvements and optimization. Our production management staff leads production. To produce what customers have ordered, in the right quantity, with the right quality and at the right time, 我们依靠世界各地熟练的工艺操作员和操作技术人员. 在我们的控制室和工厂中操作和监控生产过程是首要任务.


Are planning and logistic optimization words that motivate you? If you work with supply chain planning at Perstorp, these words become a natural part of your daily work. 规划涉及全球和地方不同层次的许多不同专业. 然而, 他们都有一个共同的目标:以一种尽可能优化的方式规划材料/十大正规网堵平台流. We also have professionals working with logistics development, examining goods flows, packaging and transport.
Another function within the supply chain area is procurement. 平均超过70%的总营业额用于购买与生产相关的材料和服务, as well as non-production related materials and services, to keep our customers, sites and people going. 这表明采购职能部门在柏斯托集团的整体绩效中具有巨大的机会和责任. Is this something for you?

Customer service & master data management

你希望维护和发展长期的客户关系成为你工作的一部分吗? 在柏斯托,我们始终以客户为中心. Working with customer service and master data management, 您将成为服务不同地区的国际团队的一员, all depending on your place of work – Europe, 北美, South America or Asia. You communicate with our customers through the entire process, from order to delivery, and you also focus on transport from finished stock to customer. 客户服务和主数据管理也是我们供应链的一部分.

市场营销 & 销售

你对整个市场和销售流程感兴趣吗, from market strategy to customer relations? Become a part of our team of product managers, marketing managers, regional managers and other professionals, all who work closely with our customers. 分析, pricing strategies, 谈判, customer meetings, agreements and much more will all be part of your job.


Do you want your future career to include construction, 投资, pre-studies and basic engineering? 在建筑行业工作,你会发现工程师的学科,如力学, electronics and instrumentation. 这些工程师通常在全球组织中工作,但也在我们的本地站点工作. Instrumentation engineers, 例如, 周游世界,修改和调整我们工厂的控制系统.


帮助我们保持和发展我们在欧洲的生产单位的高标准, 成为我们熟练的维修人员中的一员. Most of our people work with mechanical maintenance, 但另一个重要的群体是由我们的电气和仪表技术人员组成的. 成为我们维修人员中各个领域的熟练专业人员-包括焊接, 泵技术和维护工程师-负责监督和开发预防性维护的维护方法和程序.

Responsible care

责任关怀是在环境保护领域工作的团体的名称, 健康, safety and social responsibility. Join our dedicated process safety engineers, environmental engineers, occupational safety specialists and other professionals, 他们都在努力使柏斯托成为一个更可持续发展的公司. 积极主动地进行更严格的十大正规网堵平台管理和更道德的工作方式. 分享柏斯托对人类和环境零伤害的愿景.


Do you want to take your financial skills to a new level? In the finance section at Perstorp, you can do this in a variety of financial professions, both locally and globally. 与我们熟练的同事一起,你可以在会计等领域工作, 控制, treasury or payroll. 这可能意味着从处理发票到处理我们的内部现金流和管理公司的总体财务报表. 另一个选择是加入我们的税务和保险方面的专家. Explore the possibilities.


您是否愿意为创建支持整个柏斯托集团的IT解决方案做出贡献? IT works globally, 为柏斯托集团提供通用的IT基础设施和应用环境, constantly improved and optimized. Besides managing the global IT infrastructure, Perstorp IT还管理着ERP (SAP)等主要的全球应用程序,并负责IT安全. 与志同道合的同事分享和发展你的资讯科技专业知识,帮助我们不断改进我们的资讯科技解决方案.


你是否希望加入一个服务职能部门,通过熟练的人力资源管理来支持公司变得更好? This is what our HR team does at Perstorp. You work operationally and strategically, 在建立适当的法律结构和维护企业文化方面发挥重要作用. 成为人力资源团队的一员也意味着通过吸引人才为公司做出贡献, 招聘, developing and retaining other people who want to contribute.


成为我们沟通团队的一员,帮助我们提高柏斯托品牌和十大正规网堵平台的知名度! One of our key areas is market communications, w在这里 we focus on our customers through marketing materials, exhibitions and customer meetings. 我们工作的核心是传达正确的信息, in the right channels, 在适当的时候——同时关注外部和内部的接受者.


HR Business Partner

+46 40 635 88 82



HR Business Partner

+46 40 635 88 82




Curious about current opportunities at Perstorp? 看看我们的开放职位页面或订阅我们的工作通知服务.
